112.10.18第1120102 次院務會議修正通過
113.01.04第11202 次教務會議審議通過
113.05.28第1120201 次院務會議修正通過
113.06.13第11205 次教務會議審議通過
本院為提升學生學習成效,檢驗學生基礎學科能力,特訂定龍華科技大學人文暨設計學院基 礎學科能力畢業門檻實施要點(以下簡稱本要點)。
本院100 學年度(含)以後入學之大學部四技學生(以下簡稱本院學生),惟不含轉學、專 班及外國學生;進修部學生由各教學單位視需求,另訂定相關規定。
(一)本院學生須於就學期間內通過本院基礎學科之畢業門檻科目會考測驗,會考科目包括:「國文或中文閱讀與寫作」、「計算機概論」、「專案管理」與「程式設計概論」。各學年度學生會考科目規定依本要點第五條附則辦理。各科目會考成績達60分(含) 以上為及格,全數科目及格者其畢業時歷年成績單上加註:已達本校院級基礎學科能力畢業門檻。
(五) 本院承認之專業證照如【附件一】所示,學生已取得本院承認之數位資訊相關證照可抵免人設基礎學科能力-計算機概論,國文企劃與寫作相關證照可抵免人設基礎學科能力-國文,專案管理相關證照可抵免人設基礎學科能力-專案管理。
(六) 111 學年度(含)以前入學學生修習本院開設之「文化觀光數位導覽」、「文化與科技」、 「影音科技」或「休閒生活數位導覽」跨領域學分學程並取得學程證書,得抵免本院 基礎學科能力會考測驗之「專案管理」。
能力 | 證照名稱 | 發照單位 | 備註 |
數位資訊能力 | IC3計算機綜合能力考核-全球標準認證(任一科目) | 美國微軟Certiport公司 |
國際證照。 可抵免計算機概論會考。 |
實用中文能力 | 會議展覽專業人員初階認證 | 經濟部 | 可抵免國文會考。 |
華語導遊人員 | 考選部 | ||
華語領隊人員 | 考選部 | ||
IT Expert 數位內容遊戲企劃專業人員 | 財團法人中華民國電腦技能基金會 | ||
TBSA商務企劃能力檢定 | TBSA社團法人台灣商務策劃協會 | ||
CWT全民中文能力檢定(中高級) | 財團法人中華民國電腦技能基金會 | ||
專案管理能力 | 國際專案經理資質認證(International Project Manager Professional,IPMP) (Level D(含)以上) |
國際專案管理學會 ( International Project Management Association,IPMA ) |
國際證照。 可抵免專案管理會考。 |
國際專案管理師認證 (Project Management Professional,PMP) | 美國專案管理學會(Project Management Institute,PMI) |
College of Humanities and Design
The hallmark of college lies in infusing young professionals with humanistic values, the energy to innovate and computer literacy. Holistic education, digital content, hospitality-related competence,
cultural creativity design, and English proficiency are the five key components incorporated into our curricular design and development.
The four college departments intend to convey, not only subject-specific knowledge, but also practical skills to meet the increasing demand for young professionals in relevant industries while
teaching students to appreciate humanistic values and acquire an art aesthetic and proper work ethics and attitudes. The major fields of study are language learning, tourism and leisure, 3D animation and game design, cultural creativity and multi-media design. On the basis of these applications, we strive to strengthen academy-enterprise cooperation through student projects and internships.
Our four objectives:
1. Hospitality English as a Foundation:
In an English-rich environment, classroom teaching is conducted with student-centered interactive teaching methods. Students have many opportunities to practice and be exposed to foreign languages. We aim to further diversify teaching quality and strengthen student
listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation skills through immersion of tour-guiding English and MICE English training assisted with a multimedia internet-based teaching system.
2. Cultural Creativity Content
Combining teaching resources from the Department of Multimedia and Game Science and from the General Education Center, the College cultivate student competency in multiple information technology to recognize Taiwan's rich and diverse natural, humanistic, cultural, social and economic resources. Our curriculum design allows students to be situated in scenarios related to real-life attractions and enjoy experiential learning experiences, and thus promote the uniqueness of Taiwan and support the government's plan of Information Technology Development in Tourism¨.
3. A Digital Guiding Approach
Developing digital learning guides as a main principle, we focus on improving skills in professional digital marketing planning, proposal writing, and storytelling, in order to nurture students to become interdisciplinary professionals with an international outlook towards the future.
4. Strong Industry Connection
In order to facilitate networking with local companies, the college cooperates with domestic hospitality, digital content and cultural creativity industries through student projects and internships. Guest entrepreneurs and industry experts are invited to provide mentoring for student projects, which strengthens student affiliation to the industries. After observation of the participating students by the industry leaders, internship opportunities may be provided for outstanding students to increase their practical experience.